Have you ever heard the comment, ‘It takes a village...’?
The reference is from an african proverb that in full says, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. The idea is that no one person would be alone on the journey of life. Not the child, not the parent, no one. That when life is done correctly, we all come together to walk this life out, encouraging one another, pushing one another, helping, holding up, and even holding back sometimes.
This idea is the underlying theme to our ministry... we have a choice to make. Run toward the mess? Or run away? But the truth is we are all a little messy; so to run a way would falsely elevate ourselves by comparing our rags to theirs. Silly, right? But to run to the mess (ours and others’) would take more than any one person had in their tank. It will take all of us.
It is going to take a village...
Now imagine a place, a Village, a ‘church’ even, where people on the inside run toward the mess (theirs and others'), and people on the outside feel safe enough to come through the doors to find out more about this Village of people who are kind, generous, and different - and it was all because of a man named Jesus.
Envision a place that you couldn’t wait to get to, and even more than that, couldn’t wait to bring your skeptical friends and family ... just to check it out. And not just a place, but a movement: A group of individuals concerned for one another, burdened by social injustice, and pursuing a new kind of life that looked like this Christ. It would be revolutionary. Does this sound like a Village you would want to be a part of? There’s a lot of exciting work to be done... and it’s going to take a Village. Ready?
Come join us on a Sunday morning at 10am and be a part of this Village.
Village DNA
Every organization is made up of defining characteristics. Here at Village, we call this our DNA. These are the three parts of our church's DNA:
1. Village is a SAFE PLACE.
We are guided by grace and growing in truth.
-We strive to see the world through a lens of grace.
-We seek to move in the direction of truth.
2. Village is BETTER TOGETHER.
We believe WE is greater than I.
-There is no "they," only us.
-From administration to evangelism, we recognize our need for each other.
-The only barrier a person must cross is the person of Jesus Christ.
3. Village will LIVE LOVE...
...Because we are so loved.
-We live love on behalf of others.
-We live love in the direction of others.
-We live love to one another.