When we're stumbling in the shadows, it can be hard to find light in the dark. We find hope when we believe that good can come out of something bad!
April Overview:
Week 1:

Life App: Hope - Believing something good can come out of something bad.
Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is.
Key Question: How do you react when bad things happen?
K - 1st: Parent Cue | GodTime
2nd - 3rd: Parent Cue | GodTime
Preteen (4th - 5th): Parent Cue | GodTime
From Parent Cue:

By Brooklyn Lindsey
We talk all the time about Widening the Circle for our kids, inviting people into your life and into your kid’s life that you hope will influence both you and them in a positive way. But how do you do this? How can you invest strategically in these relationships?
1) Talk to the person you hope will influence your kid.
That person needs to know that your kid looks up to them and is influenced by them. Express your hopes that he or she will be someone your kid can confide in and will build a relationship with them. Talking to the people that your kids will be talking to is really important and helps establish a mutual level of trust . . .
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