Date: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Time: 4:30 PM
Where: Village Church Auditorium | 1662 Hwy 64 W | Hayesville
Is your child interested in being baptized during our February Family Baptism Celebration? Let us know at kids@villagechurchnc.org!
Dear Parents,
If your child put their trust in Jesus Christ and believes in Him as the One who forgives their sins and makes it possible for them to know God, we are so proud of them! There is no greater decision your child could ever make.
We believe that baptism is an important next step for them. Baptism is a way of telling friends and family, "Hey! I'm a follower of Jesus!"
Our baptisms take place at an event called Family Baptism Celebration. It is a party where we celebrate your child entering God's family, and they are the main event!
If your child is interested in learning more or participating in Family Baptism Celebration, please talk to Hilary Bond, our Family Ministry Director, or email us!